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What Scent Keeps Bud Bugs Away?

Over the years, scents and smells have been utilized for a variety of things. They have been used in therapies to help ease pain, they’ve been used to ease the mind, they’ve been used for relaxation, and they have been utilized for a wide range of other things. Did you know that people are now … Read more

Top Places Bed Bugs Hide

If there is anything that can be said about bed bugs, it is that they are cryptic pests. Deceptive, cryptic, and quick-witted. These are all adjectives that could be used to describe bed bugs, but, unfortunately, it won’t help you in your quest to eliminate them. Well, it might actually prepare you a bit, but … Read more

Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling

After being locked up behind closed doors for almost a year, more and more people are getting back out on the open roads. Combine this with the fact that summer is right around the corner and the fluctuating gas prices, and it only makes sense to travel right now. While this might be the case, … Read more

How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding

Most people already know bed bugs are good hiders. Of course, you’ll never know and understand the true legitimacy of this statement until you try looking for them in the home or around the property. That being said, people also know they are quick-witted and excellent hitchhikers. Regardless of the situation, no one can deny … Read more

How Does Your Exterminator Check For Bed Bugs?

There is simply no denying that detecting a bed bug infestation can be extremely difficult. This is even more so true during the early stages. This is because the bedbugs aren’t as active or as far spread. This usually means that by the time most people know they are dealing with an infestation, it’s a … Read more

Best Mattress Covers For Stopping Bed Bugs

Just think about how much money, time, effort, and work you’ve put into your home. When you consider it all, it only makes sense to want the best for your home. Of course, all this is much easier said than done. This is especially true when it comes to choosing the best bed bug mattress … Read more

Is Performing Your Own Bed Bug Extermination A Good Idea?

Over the past few years, the bed bug cases in Baltimore have grown in frequency. Whether you happen to live in the east or west, you are not invulnerable to these critters. They are capable of traveling over great distances and your house could easily become a target. Even if you take various steps to … Read more

Tips On How To Prepare For A Bed Bug Extermination Inspection

A bed bug infestation is something that requires an expedient solution. With this said, you will need to start looking for a bed bug exterminator in Baltimore MD. It is never easy to hire a service provider, but with a bit of research and reading customer reviews, you will be well on your way to … Read more

Methods To Help Detect Bed Bugs During The Early Stages

The early stages of a bed bug infestation can be critical. This is the point, where you either spread the infestation and make it worse or narrow it down and eliminate it. You might be surprised to learn that until recently, bed bug early detection tools were severely limited. However, do to recent resurgence of … Read more