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Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling

After being locked up behind closed doors for almost a year, more and more people are getting back out on the open roads. Combine this with the fact that summer is right around the corner and the fluctuating gas prices, and it only makes sense to travel right now. While this might be the case, there are still many dangers that one can be exposed to when traveling right now. Believe it or not, bed bugs are one of those biggest threats. Luckily, there are ways you potentially avoid interaction with these critters. One such method is by applying the SLEEP theory.


The SLEEP theory starts with S and that represents the survey. This is where it all starts and it probably means exactly what you think it means. It means to survey the room or rooms in which you will be sleeping. Just because you are paying $200 a night for a room, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a potential for an infestation. Some of the cleanest homes and hotels in the world have reported bed bugs infestations. Some key things to remember are that bed bugs leave behind brown and red spots on sheets. Not only this, but with larger infestations, you can oftentimes smell musty, sweet odors. Keep your eyes and nose pealed.


The L might be the second letter of the SLEEP theory, but it is a step that is so crucial it has two meanings. It represents lifting and looking. It is basically just a continuation of the survey. However, it means taking things a bit further. It means to not just visually inspect your new sleeping quarters, but to lift and look. Bed bugs are known for burrowing into mattresses and box springs. They’ll get in dresser drawers. They get behind baseboards and into electrical outlets. You’ll want to make sure you are physically lifting and looking in these spots. Taking just a bit of time to put in some physical work can go a long way to avoiding bed bugs. Just be sure to know all the potential hiding spots and check everywhere!


The first E in the equation represents elevation. And, when you think about it, this step is pretty genius. This one means to carefully inspect the hotel’s luggage rack and then take advantage of it. You have to think, most hotel luggage racks are installed high up. Bed bugs are innate hitchhikers and can latch onto human beings and ride them for miles. They can also crawl up walls, but it makes the process much harder when you place your luggage up high. What bed bugs cannot get to, they cannot latch onto.


When most people see this part of the equation they tend to think that it is just a continuation of the survey step. This is not entirely correct at all. This examination means to examine your belongings before taking them home. Just because you’ve been staying in the room or hotel and haven’t experienced any bite symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you haven’t been infected. Your belongings could be infected right now and you might not even know it. This one here means to take the time to examine your luggage before heading home. This is something you could do at home in your garage if you want to do it there. As soon as you arrive home, dump your luggage and clothes into the garage floor, and examine them for the critters.


It might be the last step of the process, but it is likely the most important. It could be the very step that makes all the difference in the world. This one also applies to the return trip home, and it means to place your belongings in the washer and dry as soon as you arrive home. It’s well documented that heat is the number one killer of bed bugs. When these bugs are exposed to 140 degrees for 90 minutes or more, their bodies break down. This is why it is crucial to wash your clothes in hot water upon returning home. After that, you can dry them on the highest heat setting just to ensure you’ve got the problem handled. Now is the best time to get back on the open road and do a little traveling. Unfortunately, doing so also means you’ll be exposed to more risks than ever before. There’s not only the threat of robberies and scams, but you still have to worry about COVID and bed bugs. At least there are some potentials that you can do to avoid bed bugs. With the information you’ve learned above, you should be able to safely travel without the fear of bed bug infestation.

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